06 July 2008

>>Deep Sighs<<

The weather in Tahoe is gorgeous today, however pollen is raining down from the trees like....um...rain. So after a short jaunt on my bicycle, before which I forgot to rinse the layer of pollen off of my handlebars, I am very itchy and sneezy.

I should be vacuuming the cat litter off of the carpet. Spike decided he really wanted some crunchy cat poo for a morning snack. Mmmmm. To his (and my) dismay it only gave him gas and diarrhea.

So, since I should at least do something productive before a rip-roaring good time working at Montblech casino, here's some pictures from PJ and my one-year-anniversary trip to Yosemite.

14 May 2008


Just got back from Yosemite and took tons of pictures. More to come, but I'm tired from the uphill hike (see picture) so editing is going slowly.

09 April 2008

Stuff White People Like

Straying away from the photos for a while because I'm really lazy and would rather watch the food network and pretend I can cook than edit my pictures and post them.

This is quite funny. I live in the epitome of "white people". All the moms with their fanny packs and socked feet stuffed into athletic sandals. And the dads simultaneously carrying their small dog in a bag and struggling with their childs' leashes.

I think this might be a guidebook for people trying to achieve this super-american-family-tourist persona.


However, forgotten are suburus and "crossover vehicles" which are basically re-marketed station wagons and minivans.

11 February 2008


To all 5 of you who read my blog:
PJ's mom is an amazing cyclist. She is currently participating in the team in training program to raise money for leukemia/lymphoma. Check out her blog. Thanks.

10 February 2008

Those pretty blue eyes.

PJ has the prettiest eyes. Ever. Ever ever. That's all there is to it.

Cutest thing EVER.

My puppy is cuter than yours. Don't feel bad, he's the most adorable dog ever placed on earth. We just taught him to sit. Awww. And yeah, we're kinda acting like those people who treat their dogs like kids. Mom, sorry I ever made fun of you for talking to the dog when no one was around. I'm now guilty of that.

09 January 2008

bliz·zard [blĭz'ərd]

Snow pictures. Crazy to believe there is about double as much snow up in the mountains. More to come when blogger is being more cooperative with me.

08 January 2008

Not so itsy bitsy.

Gross. I can get used to the bears on the front porch. I can handle 4 feet of snow in one day. I can even stand to swim in 65 degree water in the summertime. But the one thing about Tahoe I will never get used to is these massive spiders that like to appear in my bathtub from time to time. Not a great picture, but you can see a bit of the drain in the corner for comparison.

03 January 2008

pup·py [pŭp'ē]

Hooray! It's Spike! PJ and I just adopted this adorable little guy (who we were told by the shelter was a girl...surprise!) today. He's so cute and playful and loves to snuggle. I'm sure way way way more pictures will be posted soon. I already filled up the memory on my new Blackberry with doggy pictures. :)

02 January 2008

ca·nines [kā'nīns]

Turbo and Frenchy are the resident dogs at PJ's moms. I never really loved little dogs, but these two are pretty adorable.

01 January 2008

bling [blĭng]

My boyfriend is the best. Look what I got for Christmas courtesy of his step-dad Kenny!

moth·er·BOR·ED [mŭth'ər'bōrd]

PJ got new computer parts. I had the joy and privelidge of watching him assemble all the pieces to his machine. Naturally, I documented the ocassion. Note that the dusty pieces are the old out-dated pieces. I mean, who can live with only 2gigs of memory?

clas·sic [klās'ĭk]

Adam's shoes. Chuck Taylors, definately a staple in any 20something's wardrobe.

I got it from my mama.

Due to encouragement from my mom and a little bit of boredom being snowed in up here on the mountain, I decided to start a photo blog. I just got a Rebel XTi for Christmas (hip-hip-hooray!), so here goes...